BASIC KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS (these work with most applications, not just Photoshop)
Keys |
What they do: |
Ctrl – N | Opens a new file |
Ctrl – O | Opens an existing file |
Ctrl – C | Copies selected item into memory |
Ctrl – V | Pastes selected item from memory |
Ctrl – X | Cuts selected item to memory for pasting |
Ctrl – S | Saves current file |
SWITCHING TOOLS: these shortcuts allow you to temporarily switch between certain tools while you’re working. Releasing the key(s) restores the original tool.
Keys |
Use with: | What they do: |
Ctrl | Most tools | Changes to MOVE TOOL |
Alt | Brush, Paintbucket | Changes to EYEDROPPER |
Spacebar | Most tools | Changes to HAND TOOL |
Spacebar + Ctrl | Most tools | Changes to ZOOM IN |
Spacebar + Alt | Most tools | Changes to ZOOM OUT |
POWER TIP: Alt- Click on any icon in the Toolbar that features an options menu (i.e. Marquee, Lasso) to cycle through the options without using the menu.
ALTERING SELECTIONS: these shortcuts allow you to add to, subtract from, invert or drop a current selection.
Keys |
Use with | What they do: |
Shift | Marquee etc | Adds to the current selection |
Alt | Marquee etc | Subtracts from current selection |
Ctrl – D | Selection | Releases or “drops” current selection |
Ctrl – Shift – I | Selection | Inverts selection (selects everything BUT currently selected area) |
POWER TIP: Ctrl click on any layer in the Layer Palette to “pick up” the item on it as a selection
Keys |
What they do: |
D key | Resets colours to Black and White |
X key | Switches foreground & background colours |
Alt –Delete | Fills selection/layer with foreground colour |
Ctrl – Delete | Fills selection/layer with background colour |
Shift -Delete | Opens the “Fill” dialogue box |
Keys |
What they do: |
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N | Create new layer bypassing the dialogue box |
Ctrl-J | Copies (‘jumps’) selection to new layer |
Ctrl-Shift-J | Cuts (‘jumps’) selection to new layer |
Ctrl –Alt -Arrow Keys | Copies layer to above or below current layer |
Ctrl -E | Merges selected layers |
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-E | Copies all visible layers onto a new layer |
Ctrl – [ or ] | Moves layer up or down stack |
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