WIP: Jordu Schell busts

October 2017

After the long fiddly job on the Little Generals kits that I’ve just completed, I wanted to do something next where I had very little assembly to do and could concentrate on painting.

I bought these two busts separately: the Supreme Intelligence directly from Schell Studios which took a frustratingly long time to be dispatched and then I got hit with a high duty charge which kind of put me off buying more. However I really liked the sculpting so when somebody in the UK put up Lars Bundlestick for sale, I grabbed it.

Tonally, I think I’m going to go for opposites: cold and warm colours. I’d like to try some new texturing techniques – possibly using airbrush stencils. I’ve also seen a version of Lars covered in a fine fuzz of hair which might be worth attempting to copy.

1 November

Busts primed and ready for painting. I originally primed them in different colours but ended with a dominant white (Tamiya Fine). I sprayed the bases matt black and dusted with brown to look like wood which I prefer to plain old black.

17 January

Managed to get the spatter nozzle working on my H&S airbrush and created some nice skin textures. I even tried a little bit of stencilling textures with the AB and was gratified that it worked as planned though none of the results survived subsequent sprays. Mind you, the skin is so wonderfully seamed that it hardly needs texturing with paint.

Realised that my stencils are all too big and too rigid – so may try cutting small segments off them so I can get at different areas. Haven’t got the eyes right yet. I used black gouache for the pupils but its too flat. May try a gloss – or even epoxy glue on the eyeballs.

January 18th

Reasonably happy with the eyes. Now need to decide if I try the hair and necklace idea

January 20th

And that’s it for Lars. The eyebrows didn’t work that well perhaps but the hair around the horns has the right ‘middle aged’ feel. I may do some studio shots later for posting online

January 24th

I couldn’t face taking more pictures of Lars so masked out the existing snaps (rather inexpertl) in Photoshop instead. Started on the 2nd of these Jordu Schell busts – Supreme Intelligence.

So far just using the airbrush to create skin textures. I’ll do the ‘proper’ shading by brush, possibly oils.
I’m always intending to get to know oil paints better


January 26th
No oil paints but I think I’m done.
